@Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale, Villa d'Arme(BG) Italy 2023
DE FILO -Exhibition of textile and contemporary art on the occasion of the 150th anniversary
curated by TG Next

“Filare tra le nuovle”
Spinning Through The Clouds
2011, variable dimension
mixed media installation
(3 fabrics 1300 x 110 cm, woodcut on linen, thread)

This work of art uses materials dear to the company, namely linen cloths woven from yarns made by the Linificio, to engage in a dimensional and experiential reflection on the environment in which we live.
As the visitor walks up the stairs, he/she progressively discovers the artwork, which provides an overturned point of view and proposes
a new global perspective, revising the dualistic relationship between above and below, between sky and earth. Realised through the ancient technique of xylography, the clouds displayed at the base of the work, step after step, give way to the ground and its roots like upside-down trees; conversely, on the way down, the spectator sinks into the sky, where the clouds live in space-time. The ether thus becomes an all-embracing concept, disconnected from the idea of "above", which also lives under our feet, surrounding us at 360 degrees.
The act of ascending and descending the stairs represents the passage
of time in our lives, between past, present and future, spinning a connection "between here and there". It is precisely the shifting and elusive territory between the two dimensions, a recurring concept in the artist's production, that is investigated, in this as in her other works.
階段を上るにつれて、観客は徐々に作品を発見する。この作品は、上と下、天と地の二元的な関係を見直し、視点を逆転させ、新たな世界観を提案している。木版で刷られ、麻糸で縫われた作品は、一段、また一段と作品の根元に描かれた雲が、逆さまになった木々のように地面とその根に近づいていく。こうして天空は、「上」という概念から切り離された、すべてを包含する概念となり、私たちの足元にも存在し、私たちを360度取り囲む。 階段を昇り降りする行為は、過去、現在、未来という私たちの人生における時間の流れを表し、「こことあそこ」のつながりを紡いでいる。まさに、2つの次元の間の移ろいやすい、とらえどころのない領域が、作家の制作において繰り返し登場するコンセプトであり、他の作品と同様に、この作品でも探究されているのである。(DE FILO カタログより引用)