MiM - Museum in Motion @Castello di Montanaro, San Giorgio Piacentino(PC) Italy 2022
la dimora del cielo -空の棲み処- Kaori Miyayama Solo Show
curated by Chiara M.Cardini

dove comincia il cielo
where the sky begnines
2018, variable dimension
mixed media installation
photo© Mauro Corinti

La finestra -窓-
The window
2018, 200 x 140 cm
woodcut, thread, silk organdy
木版、 糸、 絹オーガンジー
photo© Mauro Corinti

La dimora -棲み処-
The dwelling of sky
2022, variable dimension
woodcut, thread, silk organdy
木版、 糸、 絹オーガンジー

opening 30th April 2022