@BASE GALLERY, Tokyo Japan 2013
"il modo di scendere al cielo -the way down to the sky-"

le radici del cielo -空の根っこ- 1,2,3

the roots of heaven 1,2,3

2013, 80 x 80 cm each
woodcut, thread, silk organdy, wooden frame
木版、糸、 絹オーガンジー、 木枠

il modo di scendere al cielo

The Way Down To The Sky

2013, variable dimension
mixed media

photo© Mana Miki

altro mondo / questo mondo

other world / this world

2013, 40 x 40 cm each
woodcut, thread, silk organdy, wooden frame
木版、糸、 絹オーガンジー、 木枠

photo© Mana Miki

Dentro / Fuori

Inside / Outside

2013, 100 x 50 cm each
woodcut, silk organdy, wooden frame
木版、 絹オーガンジー、 木枠

photo© Mana Miki

Press Link

Wall Street International Magazine

Mutual Art


Press Release by Gallery
